Everyone—from senior business executives to front-line operational staff and project & technical specialists—can easily learn how to define valuable projects that execute strategy and deliver business results.


TOP's MASTERCLASSES have been designed to provide you with a quick and thorough introduction to essential TOP concepts and skills, enhancing your practical abilities in a particular area of knowledge.

The summary descriptions below offer an overview of the masterclass content and the benefits you can gain from the sessions. 


The TOP 15 Project Questions
for Executives

In this masterclass, we have compiled the 15 Questions that every executive needs to ask of every project.

More importantly, we also give you details of what to look for in the answers.

Some of our recommended answers challenge project orthodoxy—how projects are conventionally thought about, approached and delivered. We do this quite deliberately as the orthodox approaches are not value-delivery focused and, therefore, routinely miss, lose or destroy more value than they deliver.

Use these questions to get the right answers. You will dramatically increase returns from your projects and reduce the loss and wastage.  

For a limited time only, we are offering complimentary access to this masterclass.

EXPLORE OUR MASTERCLASS The TOP 15 Project Questions  for Executives

Value Equation

To deliver value from projects, first, you have to define the value. Then you have to track it relentlessly till the value is delivered. It's that simple.

Many organizations struggle with this, and the current orthodox approaches are complex and unnecessarily costly. 

The TOP Value Equation™ is a powerful yet simple model that shows you the exact steps to define and then track and deliver project value. Everyone can learn how to build the Value Equation for their strategy or project.

This Masterclass shows you what you need to know to make value delivery a core capability in every organization.

For a limited time only, we are offering complimentary access to this masterclass.


Project Governance

Few executives are trained and knowledgeable in their Project Governance roles – indeed, most don’t really understand what they are responsible for. Is it any wonder then, that research repeatedly finds that more projects fail due to poor project governance than poor project management?

Project Governance is knowledge and a skill-set that needs to be learned. Just 'winging it' and hoping for the best will not deliver the desired results.

This Masterclass shows Sponsors and Governance team members what they should do, when, why, and how on this critical and frequently misunderstood topic.


Strategy for PMOs

There are two types of Portfolio Management Offices. Those that are strategy-oriented and those that are project-oriented.

The tools they use, what they focus on, and how they evaluate their performance are quite different. Only strategy-oriented PMOs are recognized by the business as ‘valuable’ and ‘successful’. Only Strategic PMOs can ensure that the organization's strategy is delivered.

How do you transform into a ‘strategic’ PMO?

In this Masterclass, we explain how and provide you the tools, techniques, and processes to put your knowledge into practice.


Change Execution

TOP has a straightforward perspective on change which differs somewhat from the conventional views. 'Change' includes everything that needs to be done to move you to your desired future state—defined by your desired business outcomes—from where you are now—your current state. 

Change is, therefore, about taking action. Action that needs to be identified so that it can be identified, planned,  executed and tracked. While the traditional componnents of 'Change Management' - communication and training - play a role, these are just two of the many types of change activity required to deliver your desired business outcomes, benefits, and value.

The Change Execution Masterclass assumes that you have identified what you are trying to achieve—your desired outcomes. This Masterclass then equips you with the tools, techniques, and processes to discover all the change activities needed, which you feed these into your existing project planning and management processes.


Program and Project
Control Masterclass

"A system or process is in control when the goals of the system can be predictably met better than 95% of the time."
Walter A. Shewhart - the "father of statistical quality control, 1931"

Projects go over cost, over time, under deliver, are compromised or fail. Based on Shewharts definition, most projects are wildly ‘out of control’. The reason is not that we lack a control focus. Indeed, we have comprehensive methodologies that emphasize control—for example PRINCE2’ stands for ‘PRojects IN A Controlled Environment’.

The answer is actually quite simple. Most of the necessary controls exist outside of project management.

The orthodox reliance on project management and its controls is why so many controls are missing or deficient. And every gap or deficiency is costing you money and devaluing your business results. The solution is simple. Projects need to be business-led, directed, and controlled. But the orthodox methods don’t support business executives in doing this. 

In this Masterclass, we outline the seven control areas all business executives need to focus on so that all project activities are always focused on delivering the desired business outcomes, benefits, and value.

EXPLORE OUR MASTERCLASS Program and Project Control


We are presently undertaking a major upgrade of all the TOP online learning materials. These will be released incrementally, commencing from January 2025.

If you would like more information or to gain early access, please contact us.

Contact us  for more information