TOP People
teaching the world how to deliver value through projects
The Founders of Totally Optimized Projects

Alexandra Chapman
Co-founder, Chief Operating Officer
My Mission: To see TOP's models and methods for strategy execution and value delivery become the global standard for excellence, transforming organizations worldwide.
You can read more about how my life's work has shaped many of TOP's concepts
Interested in becoming an Evangelist or TOP Partner? Please contact me.

Jed Simms 1950 - 2016
Jed’s mission? To transform how the world manages change.
As the Asia-Pacific Regional IT Strategist for The Boston Consulting Group, Jed Simms led ground-breaking global research in the 1990s into what drives and destroys project value. The insights gained from this research prompted Jed to found Totally Optimized Projects in 1994 and to create the building blocks for what TOP has become today.
Guiding Our Vision: The TOP Advisory Group
The TOP Advisory Group consists of thought leaders and educationalists who provide invaluable insights and strategic guidance to ensure the continued growth and impact of the TOP's tools and methods. Their expertise and dedication help guide and support our mission.
Spreading the Word: The TOP Evangelists
The TOP Evangelists are dedicated advocates, educators, and influencers who passionately promote the principles and benefits of Outcomes Thinking, helping to expand the reach and impact of Totally Optimized Projects worldwide.