Contact us via the Contact TOP page.
LinkedIn details are shown for all TOP people, and we all welcome connections.
Or you can contact us via the Contact TOP page.
TOP needs your email address so we can respond to you by email. We also ask for your name details so that we can reply with personalised service. We ask for your country location so we can put you in touch with the right TOP person.
We NEVER share your information with anyone and only TOP people can access it.
Contact us via the Contact TOP page.
Don’t hesitate to contact us directly. While we have written some suggested approaches as to how to adopt TOP, we are always happy to speak directly. Contact us via the Contact TOP page.
We welcome and indeed encourage people to spread the word by using TOP materials in their presentations, subject to TOP's written permission as detailed in the Terms of Use.
If the issue is with navigating or using online learning, contact us via the Contact TOP page.
If you need consulting assistance, we can put you in touch with one of our Partners.
If you have problems, contact us via the Contact TOP page using the email address you used for your subscription.
On the expiry of the current subscription, your payment method will be auto-charged for the next period.
If the payment fails, you will be advised via email. Non-payment will result in cancellation of your subscription.
“TOP thinking” is our blog where we write shorter posts about once per month on specific TOPics or issues.
“Thought leaders” are longer articles which examine a TOPic in greater detail.
Some books are limited to either Kindle or Printed Book versions due to publishing arrangements.
If you require downloads for your specific requirements,contact us via the Contact TOP page.
TOP itself no longer undertakes client consulting assignments.
However, we have trusted Partners we have worked with over the years, and can put you in touch with.
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