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Benefits realization management is really quite a simple concept as depicted by our Value Equation™

TOP Value Equation v2020.30

  1. Project change “activities” (A) progressively deliver “desired business outcomes” (O) — business end states.

  2. The outcomes deliver, enable or support one or more “benefits” (B)

  3. Each benefit can have a value (V) — which may be dollars or some other measure

  4. This value is determined by the value drivers (D) — the assumptions at the time of realization (These drivers are the financial elements that can change during the course of the project).

To many, this ‘Equation’ seems self-evident, but most projects are not set up to allow its use to track, measure and quantify their benefits.

A key characteristic of the equation is that every element is measurable — completion of each change activity, delivery of each outcome, realization of each benefit, the value of each benefit and the current value of each value-driver are all measurable. This level of measurability is not a characteristic shared by most project or benefits management approaches.


Learning Outcomes

  1. History of benefits non-delivery
  2. Using the Value Equation to achieve desired business outcomes
  3. Identifying business benefits
  4. Quantifying financial benefits
  5. Identifying changes required
  6. Delivering value
  7. Protecting value

Masterclass Content

Value Equation Master Class clip





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