TOP Evangelists
Harry van Irsel
During my carreer I have had a passion for improving the payoff on investments in change. I have a lot of experience in transforming IT driven projects in business driven projects. In my opnion IT projects do not exist, and if they do they will fail. I have 30+ years of experience in benefits realisation management and 10 years in strategy execution, portfoliomanagement, and change management. I gained this the experience in health care, education, government and finance sectors.
Since 2015, when I had an inspiring talk with Jed Sims, I am inspired by the TOP material. Since 2018 I have been working with Alexandra Chapman and Hans Vonk to apply the TOP-material in the Netherlands and in Belgium. It has been a real pleasure working with them and opened a lot of opportunities.
For me the most important insight was outcome thinking. That completely transformed my mindset in thinking about projects. I integrated the TOP material with my knowledge of positive psychology, appreciative inquiry, solution focused change, jobs-to-be-done and OKRs and developed my own change management methodology. I am writing a book on it that will be published in 2025.
For the past ten years I have focused my consulting practice on portfoliomanagement, benefits management, project governance, outcome driven change and strategy execution. I am frequently asked as a guest lecturer on these topics in several post graduate management courses (in English as well as in dutch).
You can reach out to me for
- Creating a business case and benefits realization plan for your projects and programs.
- Consulting on implementing benefits realization management, portfoliomanagement, outcome driven change and strategy execution in our organization.
- Implementing TOP Thinking in your organization.
- Courses and trainings (in Dutch and English) on benefits management, portfoliomanagement, strategy execution and project governance.
- Coaching sponsors and members of steering committees.